“A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.” James Madison
All radio shows listed are broadcast on AM stations; some are nationally syndicated, some local.
Access many on the internet by searching for the station by Call Letters, e.g. KKNT, if you know them, or by their own websites, as indicated. Some websites include a station finder for broadcast station Call Letters. You can listen live on most websites.
Some are available free, with sign-up, on iHeart Radio at: www.iheart.com
REVISED OCTOBER 26, 2013 Added information to Shane Krauser entry, below.* ADDED AUGUST 8, 2013 Eric Harley & Gary McNamara: "Red Eye Radio," nights on many stations. For more information, visit their website: http://www.redeyeradioshow.com/ Rudy K: "Main Street Out Loud," KKNT - 960 AM, The Patriot. Saturday, 3-4PM, MST. Christian Tisch: "Proclaiming Liberty with Christian Tisch," KKNT - 960 AM, The Patriot. Saturday, 8-9PM, MST. Jay Sekulow: American Center for Law and Justice. Fighting legal battles against attacks on Liberty. Rebroadcast from weekday show. Saturday, 9PM, MST, KKNT - 960 AM, The Patriot. ADDED MAY 10, 2013 Shane Krauser: "Liberty Storm," KKNT - 960 AM, The Patriot. Saturday, 5-7 PM, MST: http://www.960thepatriot.com Miscellaneous guest and teaching programs on restoring Liberty and the Constitution. "Unconstitutional Minute," KKNT. Access them online at: http://www.960thepatriot.com/podcast.aspx?showid=3086; or, via the HOME Page: http://www.960thepatriot.com/ *October 26: I have now seen Shane in person two times and am quite impressed with him! He is doing a great job travelling the country and teaching America's Foundation and how to restore Our Liberty, under God and Our Constitution!!! His knowledge, enthusiasm and passion fire-up the crowds! For archives, see: http://libertystormradio.com/ Steve Kates: "A Call to Rights," KFNX - 1100 AM. Saturday, 12-2 PM, MST. Miscellaneous guest programs on restoring Liberty; the Constitution and Bill of Rights. http://www.calltorights.com/ ~ Mark Levin : most knowledgeable I've heard on the Constitution. Actively fights Obama Administration actions in court. Successful on Recess Appointments case. BEST SELLERS! The Mark Levin Show radio: 184 stations online: marklevinshow.com; access the show live & archived. 40 links to other sources. Landmark Legal Foundation: landmarklegal.org Glenn Beck: Many stations online: www.glennbeck.com; access TheBlaze Radio Live, GBTV, etc. Mark Steyn: Popular guest host on top shows. Always glad to hear him! online: www.steynonline.com; blog + Messianic Rabbi Moshe Laurie: Facebook Profile: "A born again Judeo/Christian Believer - leader of Messianic Jewish congregations, a broadcaster and head of Bible Voice USA. Formerly: a U.S. Marine, Israeli Secret Service, IDF, and Israel National Police. I am a seeker of truth." Has continuing access to info; analysis of current events with Bible-based insights. one station: WGGH, Marion, Illinois, "Truth In Life" Saturday Morning, 10-12 CST. NEW WEB ADDRESS - No Commercials!!! http://new.livestream.com/adatariel/TILT access online: http://www.shofarbetzion.com/ scroll to "Radio Show Truth In Life"; click link. Select, and click link under studio picture. Archives Michael Savage: Many stations. BORDERS/LANGUAGE/CULTURE - his slogan! If you try him several times, he "grows on you"! online: www.michaelsavage.wnd.com; find stations, + Dennis Prager: Many stations. Slogan: The American Trinity: E Pluribus Unum/Liberty/In God We Trust; Prager University online. online: www.dennisprager.com; show access live/archives Hugh Hewitt: Many stations. online: www.hughhewitt.com/blog/; show access live/archives Mike Broomhead: KFYI Phoenix, 4-7PM, affiliated with Glenn Beck online: www.kfyi.com/pages/broomhead.html; listen live www.mikebroomheadshow.com; timely videos: 2nd Amendment, R. Reagan '64 speech, illegal immigration Rush Limbaugh: 600+ stations. online: www.rushlimbaugh.com; find a station/archives Sean Hannity: Many stations. TV show on Fox News Channel. online: www.hannity.com; Find stations. Laura Ingraham: Stations & regularly on O'Reilly Factor, Fox News. online: www.lauraingraham.com; station finder, listen live, lots on her site. Lars Larson: Haven't heard him often - liked what I heard; son really likes him. online: www.larslarson.com for information. Mark Davis: Own show + regular guest host on top shows. station: 660 AM The Answer online: www.660amtheanswer.com; listen live, other conservative hosts markdavis.660amtheanswer.com; his video blog + Mike Gallagher: Many stations. Weekly with Megyn Kelly/Fox News online: www.mikeonline.com; archives + Bill Bennett: Many stations. Former Sec. of Education and other. online: www.billbennett.com; find stations, listen live/archives [I'll add others as I gather the information. If you would like me to add your favorites, please send me an email; see the CONTACT Menu Tab for the address.]